Provide MP-4 video download for some courses

I've discovered through comparison of different format Teaching Company ( courses that even when visual aids do not go much beyond views of a lecturer, I simply find video more engaging than audio. Perhaps I am not alone. Grace To You does a very effective job of making MP-4's available for download (random sample: ), which you might find useful as a model. One possibility might be to offer this just for certificates or to otherwise make it "premium" (fund raising) content (to ensure some offset for the bandwidth hit). A final possibility might be to offer DVD video courses a la the Teaching Company as a way to raise funds to support the free side of your ministry. (Though I currently have no money to spend, this is something I would consider spending money on when I have some. I'd recommend mimicking the Teaching Company's course-with-printed-guide format, which is very effective.)
Thanks for your suggestions about video format and making support materials available. We have just recorded a leadership seminar and a class on Romans in video and will make the classes available on both video and audio formats in the next few months. Each class we record now, we record in video. (See the classes on Proverbs and Psalms by Dr. Waltke.) We are working on creating study guides and tests for each class as we have the staff and money to do it.
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